Exercises to Prevent Slouching

If you found yourself slouching at your desk, you’ve probably found that correcting yourself can be difficult. With slouching and sitting often cited by doctors as the cause of a host of negative health effects, it pays to know what you can do, to prevent it from turning into a bigger problem.
Here are six quick and easy realignment exercises to help you reeducate your muscles from getting stuck in a hunched cave man position:
Chin Tuck
The chin tuck can reverse forward-head posture by strengthening neck muscles. This exercise starts with the shoulders rolled back and down. While looking straight ahead, place two fingers on your chin, then slightly tuck your chin and move your head back. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds and then release. Repeat ten times.
Wall Angel
To do this exercise, simply lean back against the wall and lift your arms up and down, like lying down in the snow and creating snow angels.
Text Neck
This exercise is simply done to stop looking down at your phone. Obviously, it’s quite impossible to stop using our phones, so a simple solution is this: bring your phone to you at eye level.
Planking is one of the simplest exercises that give you plenty of health benefits. When done correctly, it can surely improve your posture. When doing this exercise, be sure to keep your legs straight, don’t allow your lower back to sink, and be sure that you’re looking down at the floor.
Side-lying leg raise
To do this, lie on your right-hand side with your right knee bent at 90 degrees, and your left leg straight and in line with your back.
Bridges strengthen the glutes and provide a stretch for the hip flexors and quadriceps. Because most of us are required to sit for a long time at work, we reinforce poor posture. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your legs bent so that your heels are on the floor under your knees. Slowly drive your pelvis toward the ceiling by contracting your glutes and hold the position for several seconds, then slowly release the glutes and allow your hips to return to the floor.
When doing these exercises, especially if you’re at the gym, it is better especially for women to wear the proper sports bra, since this type of bra provides ample support and protection not just for the chest area, but also for the back.
Remember, the impact of any physical activity without the right support can cause the skin, tissues, and ligaments that support women’s breasts to stretch out and lose their elasticity, leaving them saggy and deflated. Racerback bras, in particular, provide ultimate support for women with large breasts.
We all know that having larger breasts is one of the factors for having bad posture too. Racerback straps are designed to meet and cross in the middle of the back, dispersing the weight of the breasts evenly across the entire back, improving one’s posture.