Exercising With Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition wherein your skin becomes red when it gets triggered. Not only does your skin turn red, but you could even sport pimples that can be painful. Those with this condition say that the bumps on their skin feel itchy and the entirety of their skin becomes more sensitive, which means that they can’t use ordinary lotions or soaps like any other person.
Living with rosacea can be tough since it can be easily triggered by anything. Certain foods can trigger this condition as well as the weather. Stress can also trigger one's symptoms. However, even though experts say that avoiding stress can keep your rosacea from acting up, it is easier said than done. Let’s be honest, with all the things you have to take care of every day and every minute (bills, office tasks, taking care of the kids, taking care of the dog, and taking care of your spouse) will you really be able to avoid stress?
Most individuals who have this condition can’t avoid stress so the next best thing they often do is avoid all the other triggers of rosacea and exercising is on this list.
Exercise is one of the rosacea triggers because it leads to an increase in body temperature, and an increase in body temperature can then bring out hives. However, avoiding exercise isn’t the remedy to keeping rosacea at bay. Not only will you be at more risk for other health issues, but also lack of exercise could even lead to higher stress levels, which will definitely worsen your symptoms
So it’s like a Catch-22 situation wherein any situation could lead you to triggering your skin condition. But if you look hard enough for a solution, you’ll find that you can still work out without having to suffer the full force of your rosacea symptoms.
Tips for exercising with rosacea
Do not stop exercising because you really need it. Instead, follow these suggestions to keep your condition from acting up and at the same time get the workout that you need:
Avoid strenuous exercises
You should avoid intense workout routines such as circuit training, weightlifting, CrossFit, running, Muay Thai, or even boxing because these activities will definitely trigger your condition.
Instead, do some Pilates and yoga. These activities can let you exercise without having to sweat too much. That means your body temperature won’t go too high that it will trigger your rosacea.
Try swimming
Swimming in a pool is a much better option than running around the block. The cool water will definitely keep your body from overheating and the chlorine in the pool will eliminate any bacteria that could trigger your condition.
Always drink water when you’re exercising so that your body is hydrated at all times. This will keep your condition from getting triggered.
Keep your exercise short
45 minutes is enough time for your workout routine. Don’t go beyond that otherwise you’ll overheat and we all know what will happen next.
There are many rosacea treatments you can try out to keep your condition from acting up so that you can work out in peace. Just do a little research and you’ll find plenty of treatments for your condition.