How to Remove the Stink From Your Gym Clothes
Despite your best efforts to clean your workout attire, sometimes they still stink when you try to put them on. You feel embarrassed going to the gym because let's face it. Who would want to hit the gym and have every person there wrinkle their noses while you make your way to the treadmill?
If you really want to remove the odor off your gym clothes here are a few tips to help you out:
Chafing: The Chink in Exercise’s Armor
When the urge to be healthier is stronger than the urge to just be a couch potato a lot of people use that motivation to help them get off their beds and out of the house to exercise. For a lot of people that rarely happens so they try their best to stay focused on exercising and not be distracted by the warm and comfortable bed in their houses. Unfortunately, one aspect of exercising can dampen even the strongest urge to run five miles and that is chafing.