
Latex Allergy and Bananas
January 31, 2019

Latex Allergy and Bananas

We often hear trainers say that before we start with our workout it’s good to eat a banana for that extra energy and to eat another one after we’re done exercising.

Bananas are a good source of energy, which is why it’s good food for someone who’s about to do some heavy lifting or strenuous cardio workout.

But if you’re allergic to latex eating bananas before a workout is the last thing you should do otherwise you won’t be able to go on with your daily routine because you could be sporting some itchy rashes and hives after you’ve eaten that banana.

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Lose Your Thanksgiving Pounds in 8 Easy Steps
November 05, 2018

Lose Your Thanksgiving Pounds in 8 Easy Steps

Thanksgiving is upon us once more and that means going home for the holidays and stuffing yourself with all the turkey you can muster. That also means you’re going to be accumulating unwanted excess pounds you don’t want to keep.

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