
Help Your Child Play Sports Even with Eczema
May 17, 2019

Help Your Child Play Sports Even with Eczema

Playing sports is an essential part of a child growing up. It helps him be healthier, build social skills and be more competitive. But some children are not as fortunate as others and if your child has eczema you know exactly what that means: Living with eczema is indeed hard.

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Looking for the Best Time to Work Out? Follow These Suggestions
April 25, 2019

Looking for the Best Time to Work Out? Follow These Suggestions

Finding the right time to work out is just as important as urging yourself to work out because when you exercise at the time that’s comfortable for you, it will motivate you more to keep exercising.

So when is the right time to work out? It all depends on you and what your needs or restrictions are. But in order to better inform you on how to pick the right time for your workout routine, follow the suggestions below.

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Want to Exercise Longer? Try Cooling Your Hands
March 26, 2019

Want to Exercise Longer? Try Cooling Your Hands

Exercise is often a test of your mettle and the more you persevere the greater the rewards are, like bigger muscles, longer lasting endurance and better overall health. But sometimes fatigue gets the better of us and even though we try our best to get past that hurdle sometimes we’re really just too tired to take another step further.

Fortunately, experts have discovered that a simple but effective method can improve your endurance and beat that feeling of fatigue and keep on exercising.

And that method is to keep your hands cool.

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It’s Better to Exercise a Little Than Not at All
March 21, 2019

It’s Better to Exercise a Little Than Not at All

Living with allergies can often keep you from doing what needs to be done like exercising. If you have an extreme allergy to pollen you can’t jog in your neighbourhood when it’s springtime because you’ll be sporting hives and rashes all over your body even before you reach the sidewalk.

When you’re allergic to materials such as latex or spandex you can’t exercise with your bicycle or lift weights at the local gym because you’ll also develop rashes all over your body. So chances are your allergies might keep you from getting fit, but don’t let your condition get the best of you because science says that regular inactivity is just as dangerous as smoking.

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Latex Allergy and Bananas
January 31, 2019

Latex Allergy and Bananas

We often hear trainers say that before we start with our workout it’s good to eat a banana for that extra energy and to eat another one after we’re done exercising.

Bananas are a good source of energy, which is why it’s good food for someone who’s about to do some heavy lifting or strenuous cardio workout.

But if you’re allergic to latex eating bananas before a workout is the last thing you should do otherwise you won’t be able to go on with your daily routine because you could be sporting some itchy rashes and hives after you’ve eaten that banana.

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5 Ways to Stay Fit During Winter
January 24, 2019

5 Ways to Stay Fit During Winter

Winter is here and it means two things: one, the holidays are coming, and two, for those who find it difficult to keep working out because of the cold weather, it’s going to be hard to stay motivated. Which means you’d rather stay warm on your bed than get up and go running or go to the gym. Sometimes, you’d rather pay for the holiday expenses than for your gym membership. But fret not, because here are some low-cost ideas to keep fit outside the gym this season.

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Fitness Resolutions that are Worth Making and Keeping
January 10, 2019

Fitness Resolutions that are Worth Making and Keeping

Some of us try to make changes to make the year ahead our healthiest and fittest yet. However, many ambitious fitness goals dissolve into self-defeating thinking and disappointment. But that does not mean that all resolutions need to end in failure. The key is to make the right one.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Keep Exercising in Winter
January 10, 2019

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep Exercising in Winter

Snow has fallen on the north-eastern part of the United States of America and it’s only a matter of time before it starts falling on the other parts of the country. This means that winter is definitely on its way and though it may be delightful to most kids it also means that some of us adults will find it harder to get out and enjoy our daily jog.

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