5 Ways to Soothe Your Chafed Thighs

So you’ve done all that you can to avoid chafing, but despite your best efforts you still end up with some bruises on your thighs. Don’t fret because if you just follow these five simple tips you can help your inner thighs get healed for your next morning run.
Clean the wounds
If you’re reading this you’re probably squirming already just thinking about cleaning up your bruises because they really do smart! But you need to do this because those bruises might get infected, which could make things worse. So in order to clean your bruises without crying in agony wash your inner thighs first with a cold shower and use a gentle soap to clean it thoroughly. The soap should not have any harsh chemicals in it so choose something that doesn’t have any scent in it.
Disinfect the wounds
It’s not enough to wash the wounds but you also need to disinfect them to ensure that no bacteria will thrive on it. But again use something that won’t irritate or sting your skin so try an ointment that has cleaning features without any harsh chemicals. Some experts advise Polysporin because it’s gentle on the skin or you can conduct your own research and find an ointment that will be gentle on your skin.
Get comfy
Now that you’ve cleaned the wounds your next step is to help your thighs be as comfortable as possible by making sure that they’re aerated and away from each other. When your wounds are starting to heal it’s important to keep your inner thighs from coming into contact with each other so spend a few hours on your bed or on your couch with your legs apart. Also, get a fan and direct the air towards your inner thighs to keep them dry.
Try not to move around too much so that your thighs won’t scrape against each other and wear shorts for now, or if you’re just alone in your house/apartment go commando to let your skin breathe. For additional comfort, lather on some aloe vera gel on your inner thighs and add a little calendula or lavender to your ointment.
Keep them dry
It can’t be said enough that you need to keep your inner thighs dry because moisture can lead to bacteria growth in your skin, which can aggravate your condition. Aside from fanning your inner thighs wear some loose clothing if you’re about to sleep and choose pure organic cotton clothes because they’re very safe for the skin and they’re breathable.
Prevent your inner thighs from brushing against each other
We’ve mentioned earlier that you should keep your inner thighs from brushing against each other, but you can’t always keep them apart especially if you’re trying to sleep. So what you can do is attach some clean gauze on the affected areas while you sleep so that your wounds will heal overnight without getting more abrasions from brushing against each other.
Chafing can be such a pain and there will be times when you can’t really avoid it, but with the help of our tips above you can help heal your wounds more effectively each time.