
Always Bring These Things if You’re Exercising With Skin Allergies
April 30, 2019

Always Bring These Things if You’re Exercising With Skin Allergies

Exercising with various skin allergies can be annoying since you often have to monitor not just your heart rate, but your skin condition as well (if it's already sporting hives and rashes). But despite these hurdles, it's still better to push through with your daily exercise routine because there are ways to prevent your skin condition from acting up, and lack of exercise will only lead to poorer health.

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Choosing the Right Workout Attire
April 18, 2019

Choosing the Right Workout Attire

When it comes to exercising, most people have problems figuring out what kind of fitness regimen would best be suitable to them. But for people with extremely sensitive skin, like eczema or atopic dermatitis, even choosing the right kind of clothes for their workout is already a daunting task.

Fortunately, there are ways to figure out what kind of outfit is suitable for people with skin sensitivities and the list below will serve as your guide.

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Exercising With Rosacea
April 09, 2019

Exercising With Rosacea

It’s Rosacea Awareness Month once more and to shed some light on this skin condition, this article will discuss why it’s important to keep exercising even if working out is one of rosacea’s triggers.

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Is Swimming in Chlorinated Pools Bad for You?
March 05, 2019

Is Swimming in Chlorinated Pools Bad for You?

Chlorine helps protect swimmers from waterborne germs. It is used in pool water because it kills bacteria, oxidizes debris from perspiration and body oils, and reduces swimmers’ risk of getting diarrhea, swimmer’s ear, and various skin allergies or infections. Despite all these, the chemical has quite the reputation on the pool deck for other complications.

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How to Prevent Breakouts and other Skin Problems When Exercising
February 21, 2019

How to Prevent Breakouts and other Skin Problems When Exercising

If you’re concerned about your heart or your overall health you’d want to exercise to stay fit. But if you’re not careful with how you treat your skin it might get the short end of the stick while the rest of your body becomes better.

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7 Tips to Avoid Chafing
February 14, 2019

7 Tips to Avoid Chafing

Aside from fatigue and muscle pain chafing is one of the biggest hurdles you’re going to face whenever you’re working out. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this so that you won’t have to end your workout regimen because you’re bruising and bloodied all over.

So if you want your daily exercise routine to push through here are seven simple steps to avoid chafing.

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5 Ways to Soothe Your Chafed Thighs
February 07, 2019

5 Ways to Soothe Your Chafed Thighs

So you’ve done all that you can to avoid chafing, but despite your best efforts you still end up with some bruises on your thighs. Don’t fret because if you just follow these five simple tips you can help your inner thighs get healed for your next morning run.

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Tips for Swimming with Eczema
November 16, 2018

Tips for Swimming with Eczema

Exercising with eczema can be difficult so people who have this condition have to be creative in order to get their hearts pumping without their skins flaring up. If you’re one of these people you could try out swimming as your daily exercise routine because not only will it prevent you from sweating, which can trigger flare ups, but it will also exercise all parts of your body.

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Nickel Allergy and Weightlifting: How to Manage this Dilemma
November 12, 2018

Nickel Allergy and Weightlifting: How to Manage this Dilemma

When people work out at a gym, lifting those heavy weights and all, one of the things that come to their minds is if the weight bench they’re using is clean. Gyms are often packed with people who want to be fitter so that means scores of individuals have sweated on most of the benches in the room and the thought of laying your back on one of those leather platforms can be disconcerting.

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6 Exercise Tips If You Have Eczema
October 20, 2018

6 Exercise Tips If You Have Eczema

Exercising can lead to several benefits: lower blood pressure, better focus, more toned muscles etc. But for someone with eczema it can often be an annoyance all because excessive sweat and the body’s rising temperature during exercise can lead to flare-ups.

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Exercising Even With Hidradenitis Suppurativa
October 04, 2018

Exercising Even With Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a horrific condition to have. Your skin can sprout red itchy bumps that can break open and let out pus that is often smelly. It can also produce lumps under the skin that are painful with tunnels connecting each other that can also leak pus and worse of all it heals very slowly.

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Swimming with a Chlorine Allergy
June 20, 2018

Swimming with a Chlorine Allergy

Swimming is perhaps the best form of exercise for anyone at any age. It exercises all your muscles and your lungs without putting too much pressure on your knees or any of your other joints. It is also refreshing since the cooling sensation of the water won’t make you feel like you ran a marathon. But there are times when taking too many laps in the swimming pool may lead to uncomfortable situations like rashes appearing on your whole body. When this happens it means that you might be developing an allergy to chlorine or at least a sensitive skin to it.

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Chafing: The Chink in Exercise’s Armor
May 18, 2018

Chafing: The Chink in Exercise’s Armor

When the urge to be healthier is stronger than the urge to just be a couch potato a lot of people use that motivation to help them get off their beds and out of the house to exercise. For a lot of people that rarely happens so they try their best to stay focused on exercising and not be distracted by the warm and comfortable bed in their houses. Unfortunately, one aspect of exercising can dampen even the strongest urge to run five miles and that is chafing. 

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