Playing it Safe: Tips for Athletes with Allergies

Regular exercise and participation in sports are considered to be important components of a healthy life. However, physical exertion is also a frequent trigger of different hypersensitivity events. For athletes, having an allergy impairs athletic performance if not treated or managed properly. To help prevent serious infections, we list some important tips to help athletes with allergies be able to stay on top of their game.
See your doctor first
If you don’t know what’s causing your rash after your workout, or why you get hives after your 5K marathon, it is best to consult a professional to have a proper allergy test. That way, you and your coach will be properly informed about what triggers your allergy and the medications you need to take in the event of an allergy attack. It is also important to understand the impact a person's environment and lifestyle choices can have on allergies.
Wear skin-friendly sports clothing
Once you know what causes your allergy, you have to be mindful not just about what you eat, but also about what you put on. Athletes with spandex and latex allergy should wear clothes that are made from 100% natural cotton. Cottonique offers latex-free and chemical free socks, undergarments, and shirts, that are not only safe for people with allergies and sensitive skin, but also safe for the environment.
Sportswear that are too tight and are made from synthetic materials and those that have specific dyes, can trigger allergic reactions quickly. Cotton clothing is absorbent, hypoallergenic, durable, and comfortable to wear, especially after practice or a workout session. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider wearing organic cotton clothes.
Proper hygiene is key
Athletes with allergies should observe proper hygiene. If you are into contact sports, and you have allergies, washing hands with soap and running water before and after practice should be done at all times. Taking a warm shower after every practice and game before going home is also a good practice. Most importantly, never share clothing or personal gear/equipment with your teammates, as it is the fastest and easiest way to spread infection.
All in all, allergies don’t really have to impair performance or enjoyment for sports. With knowledge, planning, preparation, and special precautions, almost anything is possible.