4 Fs You Need to Consider When Buying a Sports Bra
One of the biggest barriers to exercise for women, aside from lack of time, energy and motivation, is breast discomfort during gym time. If you’re one of those women, let’s help you out by giving you some tips on how to choose the perfect sports bra to prevent exercise-induced breast discomfort.
How to Avoid Wardrobe Malfunctions at the Gym
Playing it Safe: Tips for Athletes with Allergies
Regular exercise and participation in sports are considered to be important components of a healthy life. However, physical exertion is also a frequent trigger of different hypersensitivity events. For athletes, having an allergy impairs athletic performance if not treated or managed properly. To help prevent serious infections, we list some important tips to help athletes with allergies be able to stay on top of their game.
Chafing: The Chink in Exercise’s Armor
When the urge to be healthier is stronger than the urge to just be a couch potato a lot of people use that motivation to help them get off their beds and out of the house to exercise. For a lot of people that rarely happens so they try their best to stay focused on exercising and not be distracted by the warm and comfortable bed in their houses. Unfortunately, one aspect of exercising can dampen even the strongest urge to run five miles and that is chafing.
Don’t Skip the Gym When You Have Allergies
Allergies can be such a bane to someone with an active lifestyle. Not only does it make you itchy, drowsy or irritated but it can also make you think of locking yourself inside your house and just let the allergies disappear on its own. But for some doctors staying away from your local gym is not the best way to treat your allergies.